Your Blepharoplasty in Ft. Myers

The eyes are often one of the first areas on the face to show some of the earliest signs of aging. Your eyes are not only expressive; they’re frequently among the first things others notice during social interactions. It’s no secret that your eyes play an important role when it comes to your overall appearance, which is why we’re here for patients delivering eyelid surgery in Fort Myers, Naples, FL, and the nearby areas. We’ve been creating incredible results for over 20 years, and we’re here to help if you think it might be time to refresh and rejuvenate the skin around your eyes.

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Excess skin and fatty tissue around the eyes can sag with age, creating a tired and listless appearance. A lifetime of exposure to sun or hereditary factors can also contribute to this condition as skin loses its elasticity.

During your consultation, we’ll review things like your medical history and your physical characteristics, and work with you to get a feel for the cosmetic goals that brought you through our doors to begin with. This will help us talk you through your options and help you decide on the procedure that will bring you in line with your ideal results.

Before and After Blepharoplasty

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When Should You Consider Eyelid Surgery?

Aging affects both the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid. In some cases, the upper eyelid is affected due to the droopiness of the forehead and eyebrows and, as such, needs to be addressed utilizing a forehead or brow lift.

Eyelid surgery will not elevate a droopy eyebrow, nor will it address crow's feet.

When the issue is related to the eyelid itself, both the upper and lower eyelids can be improved with surgical procedures. In fact, eyelid surgery, called a blepharoplasty, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic surgical procedures in the United States. If you’re in Fort Myers, Naples FL, or the nearby areas, reach out and set up your consultation.

How is Blepharoplasty Performed?

With the upper eyelids, a combination of excess skin and fat is removed to restore a toned, more refreshed look. With the lower eyelids, primarily fat and a small amount of excess skin are removed to eliminate “bags” under the eyes. 

In some cases, these surgical procedures are combined with nonsurgical procedures such as professional skin care or perhaps a chemical peel or skin resurfacing in order to refine the improvement further or to improve the textural changes of the skin or dark circles under the eyes.


Why Choose Garramone Plastic Surgery?

Hear directly from Dr. Ralph Garramone about what to expect during your blepharoplasty in Naples at Garamone Plastic Surgery. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Garramone is a board-certified plastic surgeon known for his expertise and personalized approach. His state-of-the-art facility meets the highest safety standards, ensuring exceptional patient care. Dedicated to natural-looking results, he treats every patient like family. Whether you’re looking to rejuvenate your appearance or improve vision obstruction, Dr. Garramone provides tailored solutions.

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Refresh Your Appearance

While eyelid surgery in Fort Myers can be performed by itself on either the upper or lower eyelids or both, it is often combined with other procedures to rejuvenate the face. This procedure may be performed under local anesthesia with or without additional sedation on an outpatient basis, and patients normally return home a few hours after surgery. Most people return to their usual activities approximately one week after surgery, and makeup can be applied after three to five days. Strenuous activities should be avoided for two weeks.

To learn more or to schedule a complimentary consultation for Blepharoplasty in Naples, please contact Dr. Garramone’s office at (239) 482-1900.

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