Elevate Your Confidence with Motiva® Breast Implants at Garramone Plastic Surgery

Dr. Ralph Garramone, a board-certified plastic surgeon with over two decades of experience, brings his surgical expertise and aesthetic eye to every procedure, ensuring beautiful custom results for his patients in Fort Myers. Book a breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Garramone today to create your ideal figure.

What Are Motiva Breast Implants?

Motiva breast implants represent a breakthrough in breast augmentation. These innovative options use advanced design elements to provide a seamless, natural look while minimizing risks associated with traditional implants.

  • SmoothSilk® surface: This unique surface is designed for enhanced biocompatibility, improving the body’s response to the implants. Studies have shown that the SmoothSilk surface promotes a low inflammatory response and reduces bacterial attachment, helping the tissue around the implant remain soft and supple. 
  • Ergonomix® filling: Motiva’s Ergonomix implants are filled with ProgressiveGel® ULTIMA®, a highly cohesive and elastic gel designed to adapt shape depending on body motion and position. For example, it adapts when you stand or lie down, mimicking natural breast tissue’s look, feel, and movement.
  • BluSeal® barrier layer: Motiva implants feature a lightly tinted blue barrier layer called BluSeal. This layer allows for visual inspection to ensure the implant shell is intact after manufacturing, serving as an additional quality assurance measure for patient safety.

Motiva implants offer solutions for various aesthetic goals, whether you are looking to enhance volume, improve symmetry, or restore youthful fullness after pregnancy or weight loss. With a focus on safety, durability, and biocompatibility, Motiva Implants’ wide range of shapes and sizes deliver a refined, confidence-boosting transformation fitted to you.

Why Choose Dr. Garramone for Your Breast Augmentation?

With over 20 years of surgical experience and a commitment to precision, Dr. Garramone is a leading plastic surgeon in Fort Myers. Recognized for his exceptional skill in breast augmentation, he routinely achieves elegant, natural-looking results that speak for themselves. Dr. Garramone is dedicated to understanding each patient’s vision. Breast augmentation surgery is a very personal process, and your concerns and aspirations will be listened to, respected, and put into practice in the operating room. With our top-of-the-line plastic surgery center and welcoming staff, you can expect to experience a seamless, confidence-boosting experience from consultation to recovery.

Am I a Good Candidate for Motiva Breast Implants?

Ideal candidates for Motiva breast implants are in good overall health and looking to enhance their breast size, correct asymmetry, or restore lost volume due to pregnancy or weight changes. Whether you prefer a subtle enhancement or a more dramatic increase in volume, Dr. Garramone will help you determine if Motiva implants align with your aesthetic vision.

Preparing for Surgery

Before your breast augmentation, Dr. Garramone will provide detailed pre-operative instructions, including medication guidance, diet, and activity restrictions. You should arrange for transportation home after surgery and have someone assist you in the first few days of recovery.

Where Will My Breast Augmentation Be Performed?

Your procedure will take place at Garramone Plastic Surgery’s state-of-the-art surgical facility in Fort Myers, designed to provide the highest level of safety, comfort, and privacy. Our fully accredited surgical suite meets the rigorous standards of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF), the gold standard in outpatient surgical care.

How Are Motiva Breast Implants Placed?

Dr. Garramone customizes each breast augmentation to suit your anatomy and aesthetic goals. He will discuss the best incision options, which may include:

  • Inframammary incision – Placed under the breast fold for discreet scarring.
  • Periareolar incision – Made around the areola for minimal visibility.
  • Transaxillary incision – Located in the armpit to avoid breast scarring.

Once the incision is made, the implant is positioned above or below the chest muscle to achieve the most natural contour. The surgery typically takes about two hours, and you will be monitored in our recovery suite before heading home.

A Silky Smooth Recovery

Recovery following breast augmentation with Motiva Implants is generally smooth, with most patients resuming light activities within a few days. Due to the soft, adaptive design of these implants, post-operative discomfort is often minimal. However, patients should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for about four weeks to ensure optimal healing. Dr. Garramone provides personalized recovery guidelines, including supportive garments and activity modification recommendations, to help you achieve the best possible results.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

You’ve envisioned the perfect look—now it’s time to make it a reality. With Motiva breast implants at Garramone Plastic Surgery, you can experience the most advanced implant technology designed for a beautifully natural feel and shape. Board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Medical Specialties, Dr. Garramone combines artistry with precision to create results that enhance your beauty and boost your confidence.

Don’t put off knowing you look fantastic—schedule your consultation today for the first step in a beautiful transformation.

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