At Garramone Plastic Surgery, we proudly offer Motiva Implants®, the latest advancement in breast augmentation technology. These implants are designed to deliver a natural look and feel with enhanced biocompatibility features.
What Are Motiva Breast Implants?
Motiva breast implants represent a breakthrough in breast augmentation. These innovative options use advanced design elements to provide a seamless, natural look while minimizing risks associated with traditional implants.
- SmoothSilk® surface: This unique surface is designed for enhanced biocompatibility, improving the body’s response to the implants. Studies have shown that the SmoothSilk surface promotes a low inflammatory response and reduces bacterial attachment, helping the tissue around the implant remain soft and supple.
- Ergonomix® filling: Motiva’s Ergonomix implants are filled with ProgressiveGel® ULTIMA®, a highly cohesive and elastic gel designed to adapt shape depending on body motion and position. For example, it adapts when you stand or lie down, mimicking natural breast tissue’s look, feel, and movement.
- BluSeal® barrier layer: Motiva implants feature a lightly tinted blue barrier layer called BluSeal. This layer allows for visual inspection to ensure the implant shell is intact after manufacturing, serving as an additional quality assurance measure for patient safety.
Motiva implants offer solutions for various aesthetic goals, whether you are looking to enhance volume, improve symmetry, or restore youthful fullness after pregnancy or weight loss. With a focus on safety, durability, and biocompatibility, Motiva Implants’ wide range of shapes and sizes deliver a refined, confidence-boosting transformation fitted to you.